I am happy to report that Raju from Nepal has been nominated for the Sovereign Art Prize this year [Hong Kong] and Sajana [also from Nepal] work has been selected for the Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale.
As you must know, I am one of the Pakistani candidates to have received the Madanjeet Singh scholarship at Beaconhouse National University in 2003, till my graduation in 2007.
As we go to our third Convocation tomorrow, I am thinking about what the scholarships from you have meant.I am forwarding you the message I received today from Rony James Martin, who graduated this year.
In my work I am dealing with the issue of energy by this I mean energy as power, power as authority, authority as control, control as rule, and rule as command.
My work orbits different aspects of the medical profession. In my work, I seek to show the vital importance of the medical and pharmaceutical industries in our lives.