Nepal News

News Lahore, Pakistan - 7th November 2018
News Kathmandu, Nepal - 16th October 2018

Dr. Nishchal Pandey, Chairperson of SAF-Nepal and Trustee of the MSF met Ms. Karma Yangzom Dorji, SAF Bhutan alumni of UMCSAWM

Dr. Nishchal N. Pandey, Chairperson of SAF-Nepal and Trustee of the MSF with Ms. Karma Yangzom Dorji, SAF Bhutan alumni of the UUNESCO Madanjeet Centre for Water Management at Mortauwa University in Sri Lanka...

News Kathmandu, Nepal - 24th September 2018

Press Release-Inaugural Session of the International Conference on Doubling the Income of Farmers

H. E. Mr. Amjad Hussain B. Sial, Secretary General of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC), addressed the Inaugural Session of the International Conference on Doubling the Income of Farmers of SAARC Countries in Kathmandu today....

News Kathmandu, Nepal - 1st June 2018
News Nepal, Kathmandu - 30th May 2018

Mr. Koshal Hamal, Alumini, UMISAA, curated an art exhibition,organized by Karnali Art Centre

Koshal Hamal, UMISAA's Alumini, curated an art exhibition (an Exhibition of Performance and Painting), Organized by Karnali Art Centre. Koshal Hamal worked himself as a performance artist during the exhibition titled “Identifying Karnali” in Mugu Nepal with his 14 art students in June 2018: