Nepal News

News Kathmandu, Nepal - 19th April 2023

UMCDSRC, National College recently observed the birth anniversary of the UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador Madanjeet Singh

The National College recently observed the birth anniversary of the UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador Madanjeet Singh with a commemorative function at the Madanjeet Hall.

News Colombo, Sri Lanka - 21st September 2022

Dr Nischal N. Pandey, Chairman,SAF-Nepal met Mr Arvind Rodrigo, Chairman, SAF Sri Lanka and dicussed about SAF-Scholars

Dr Nishchal N. Pandey, Chairman, SAF- Nepal met Mr Arvind Rodrigo, Chairman, SAF Sri Lanka and Ms Swinitha Parera, Secretary, SAF - Sri Lanka during his visit to Colombo.

News Paris, France - 19th September 2022

Mme France Marquet with H.E. Amb. & Mrs Dipak Adhikari during the reception to celebrate the 8th Consitution day of Nepal

Madam France Marquet,Principal Trustee to MSF & South Asia Foundation Representative to UNESCO with His Excellency Mr. and Mrs Dipak Adhikari Ambassador of Nepal to France and Permanent Delegate of Nepal to UNESCO during the reception to Celebrate the Eight Constitution Day and National Day of Nepal in Paris, France

News Kathmandu, Nepal - 1st July 2022
News Kathmandu, Nepal - 28th June 2022