16th October 2003
To start with, I was/am an art student. I've never thought of bring enrolled in such a school which is so much determined to provide us a great academic experience. This may sound quite flattering but it's true. There is only one college (Fine Arts College, Bhetahiti, Kathmandu) in Nepal which has only up to BFA (not MFA). Another private college (Srijona College of Fine Arts) provides you only IFA. Students from all over the country should/must come to the capital city to have art education. I come from Pokhara, which is 200 Km away from the capital city.
There are many more like me. Despite the fact of having great inconvenient and a struggling life. Students are frustated when the college's education doesn't meet their expectations. So, speaking from this context, my expectation was quite high and I found as I expected. My only expectation in my life is to be an artist, to be someone, someday. And I hope the college would help me in adding a milestone in my metamorphosis of being an artist.
The hostel and the school are very good. I can see a lot of things being cryptic which we would unfold and have immense advantage for our future. But still a sense of skepticism prevails in my mind's domain. Will I really be successful in doing what I have craved about ? Will WE be provided with the opportunity for further studies? This is the expectation as well as a big question of all SAARC students, including me. This especially implies to those who don't have art college in their country.
Foundation course leaves them/us somewhere in the middle where we have to flounder for our future. Here, I would like to be bold enough to request SAF or other to provide scholarships at least up to BFA. As the great proverb runs, something is better than nothing, we would at least be able to return back with a 'lighthouse' to guide us in the future.
It's a great experience to be in SVA. Teachers encourage us to be creative. Constantly encouraging to look at an art work through subjective, structural, cultural and post-modern frames which kind of practice I never found in Nepal. The exercises given to us are new and a breakthrough.

Every step is a challenge. I assume all of us enjoy overcoming these challenges and building their creative heights. Had there been any dark side of SVA, I would have mentioned it. However, until now, I've found no issues, relevant enough to put forward to.
As far as my experience is concerned, it feels a new genesis to be acquianted with cultural, social and economical life of Pakistan.
To sum up, I would like to thank SAF for providing 'Us' this opportunity. Thanks to all the teachers, students and Pakistani people for giving us this 'great hospitality'. And also to Salima Hashmi, when I would like to refer as 'a benevolent/good woman' rather than 'a great woman'.
Raju G.C.
