SAF Scholars successfully complete BSC in Forestry from College of Natural Resources, Lobesa, Bhutan

Lobesa. Bhutan - 5th July 2022

The beneficiaries of Madanjeet Singh Foundation, who have successfully completed B.Sc in Forest from College of Natural Resources, Lobesa, Bhutan paid a country call to the secretary, SAF Bhutan on 4th July 2022. They expressed their sincere esteemed gratitude to the MSF for the scholarship.

The secretary SAF, Bhutan extended congratulations (Tashi Delek) on their career and future endeavors and reiterated to work towards promoting regional cooperation through their work environment and beyond.

SAF Scholars successfully complete BSC in Forestry from College of Natural Resources, Lobesa, Bhutan
From Left to Right:  Mr Dorji Tshewang; Mr Sonam lhendup; Mr Sonam Chogyal; Ms Nima Gyeltshen; Mr Kinley Dem; Mr Yeshi Phuntsho