Annual UMCSAFS Students Research Meet on "Exploration & Conservation of Natural Resources for Sustainable Development"

Thimpu, Bhutan - 28th June 2022

Annual UMCSAFS Students Research Meet on " Exploration & Conservation of Natural Resources for Sustainable Development" was organized by the Centre for Sustainable Mountain Agriculture, College of Natural Resources, Royal University of Bhutan, Lobesa, Punakha Bhutan.

The Eight (s) selected final year studetns (BSc& MSc) presented their research findings, experiences, challegnes and recommendations. The research findings were presented in teh form or oral and poster during the event. The Meet was graced by the Hon'ble Secretary, Ministry of Agricultrue & Forests. The program started from 9.00 am ended by 5.00 pm with the awarding of the certificates.

Chief Guest, officials and Students of CNR
Chief Guest, Officials and Students of CNR

SAF Scholars with the Coordinator, CNR
Left to Right : Mr Yeshi phuntsho, Mr Mirza sium masud, Mr Dasho Nima Gyeltshen, Mr Dr Bhagat, Bhakti Sharma, Mr Manuel Tripura Smith