UMCDSRC, National College organized Amb Madanjeet Singh Memorial Lecture on "UNESCO in Nepal: Opportunities for Collaboration"

Kathamandu, Nepal - 11th March 2022

UNESCO Madanjeet Centre for Development Studies and Regional Cooperation (UMCDSRC) at the National College, Kathmandu University organized Ambassador Madanjeet Singh Memorial Lecture  on UNESCO in Nepal "Opportunities for Collaboration" on March 11, 2022 of Mr. Michael Croft, Resident Representative of the UNESCO in Nepal. More than 50 students and faculty participated physically. Mr. Croft highlighted the objectives of UNESCO and activities of his office in Kathmandu. Dr. Nishchal N. Pandey, Chairperson of SAF-Nepal mentioned that students from Bhutan, Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka and Nepal have availed scholarships to study at the college till date. Madame France Marquet, Principal Trustee of Madanjeet Singh Foundation Trust spoke via zoom. Principal of the college Madhav Neupane and programme coordinator Ujjwal Upadhaya presented college momento to Mr. Croft.

South Asia Foundation-Nepal organized a UNESCO Goodwill Madanjeet Singh Memorial Lecture on 11 March 2022
Left to right:-  ; Dr Nishchal N Pandey, Chairman, SAF-Nepal (In centre) ; Mr. Madhav Neupane, Principal, National College;  Mr Michael Croft, UNESCO Representative in Nepal; Mr Ujjwal Upadhaya, Programme Coordinator;

South Asia Foundation-Nepal organized a UNESCO Goodwill Madanjeet Singh Memorial Lecture on 11 March 2022 Mr. Michael Croft, Resident Representative of the UNESCO to Nepal addressing the audience

South Asia Foundation-Nepal organized a UNESCO Goodwill Madanjeet Singh Memorial Lecture on 11 March 2022

South Asia Foundation-Nepal organized a UNESCO Goodwill Madanjeet Singh Memorial Lecture on 11 March 2022A Participant during Question & Answers session

South Asia Foundation-Nepal organized a UNESCO Goodwill Madanjeet Singh Memorial Lecture on 11 March 2022Madam France Marquet South Asia Foundation Representative to UNESCO and Principal Trustee of Madanjeet Singh Foundation while Adressing the audience


March 11, 2022 (Fri.)

10:30 am

Arrival of Guest of Honour Mr. Michael Croft, Head of Office and Representative to Nepal, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)


10:45 am

Start of the Programme by Mr. Ujjwal Upadhaya, Programme Coordinator, National College


10:50 am

Presentation of a College Momento by Principal Mr. Madhav P. Neupane to guest of honour


10:55 am

Address by Dr. Nishchal N. Pandey, Chairperson of SAF-Nepal


11:05 am

Talk by Mr. Michael Croft, Head of Office and Representative to Nepal, UNESCO  on ‘UNESCO in Nepal: Opportunities for Collaboration’ 


11:25 am

Address by Madame France Marquet, Trustee, Madanjeet Singh Foundation and  Representative of SAF to UNESCO (via zoom)


11:35 am

Q&A by Students



11:45 am

Conclusion of the Programme/Refreshments