Mr Aziz Hazara, Alumnus (2017 Batch) of UMISAA is the main prize winner of the 6th Edition of the Future Generation Art Prize

The Pinchuk,Art Centre Museum,Kiev, Ukraine - 9th December 2021

8th December, 2021

Mr Aziz Hazara, Alumnus (2017 Batch) of UMISAA is the main prize winner of the 6th Edition of the Future Generation Art Prize


Aziz Hazara (Afghanistan) is the winner of the Future Generation Art Prize 2021, the 6th edition of the global art prize for artists under 35, established by the Victor Pinchuk Foundation in 2009. The winner was announced by the international jury at the online award ceremony on 8 December. Aziz Hazara received a total of $100,000: $60,000 as a cash prize, and $40,000 to fund their artistic practice.
An additional $20,000 was awarded between Special Prize winners Agata Ingarden (Poland), Mire Lee (South Korea) and Pedro Neves Marques (Portugal).
The winners were chosen by the prize's distinguished international jury, consisting of: Lauren Cornell, Director of the Graduate Program and Chief Curator at the Center for Curatorial Studies, Bard College; Jacopo Crivelli Visconti, Curator of the 34th edition of the Bienal de São Paulo; Elvira Dyangani Ose, Director of the Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona; Bjorn Geldhof, Artistic Director, PinchukArtCentre; Shilpa Gupta, Artist; Ralph Rugoff, Director of the Hayward Gallery and Artistic Director of the 58th Venice Biennale of Art; Eugene Tan, Director of the National Gallery Singapore and the Singapore Art Museum.


 Mr Aziz Hazara, Alumnus (2017 Batch) of UMISAA is the main prize winner of the 6th Edition of the Future Generation Art Prize

Source:- Future Generation Art Prize