Experience and Feedback by SAF Phd SAF Scholar, Dr Pasang Sherpa

Testimony Srinagar, J & K, India - 14th October 2013

Date: 10th Oct 2013

Madam France Marquet
South Asia Foundation

Subject: Experience and Feedback

Dear Madam,

This is my great pleasure to share the happy news as a first SAF scholar on the completion of PhD from the UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Institute of Kashmir Studies, University of Kashmir (KU) under the SAF- Madanjeet Singh Scholarship Scheme in August 29, 2013. I am very much honored to be the recipient of this scholarship and thankful towards South Asian Foundation Madanjeet Singh and also towards SAF chapters of Nepal and India.

I had a great experience as a full time PhD Scholar from 2009 to 2013. I was one of the lucky students who got a full support and cooperation from my supervisor, Prof. Gulshan Majeed on the completion of my PhD thesis right from the beginning. There was also a great support from the directors of UMIKS and Vice-Chancellor of Kashmir University.

It was my privilege to be one of the scholars in the institute for getting an opportunity to share the experience and knowledge of different scholars from different South Asian countries. However, at the beginning, there were insufficient faculties at the institute in providing timely support and feedbacks to the scholars for their research work. There was also not availability of sufficient materials in the library for literature review of my study.

Another sad part for the scholars like me has not been able to get an opportunity to publish articles in the journal of the institute. Regarding the hostel, since there was no separate hostel of the institute, I was advised to stay in the university guesthouse, which I found the perfect place for me to stay during my study. In case if I had to stay at the junior students' hostel, it would have been tough for me to concentrate on my studies.

 The venue of my study was the perfect place as I was doing my research on the theme, "Role of Education in Social Inclusion of Muslims of Nepal". Since my study was on the issues of minority Muslims of Nepal and India from social exclusion and inclusion perspectives, the findings of my study would be helpful for policy makers to ensure the minority rights. Ultimately this study will initiate a process to bring peace and harmony in the society and maintain regional cooperation among SARRC countries.

I would be always grateful to be touch with you for our mutual cooperation for strengthening the harmonic relation among the people and countries of South Asia.


Sincerely Yours,

Pasang Sherpa, PhD
Lecturer, Tribhuwan University of Nepal