India News

News 20th March 2009
News Pondicherry University - 20th March 2009
Testimony 4th December 2008

BNU Third Convocation, testimony

As we go to our third Convocation tomorrow, I am thinking about what the scholarships from you have meant.I am forwarding you the message I received today from Rony James Martin, who graduated this year.

News 30th September 2008

Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the 'SAF', New Delhi, and the Pondicherry University, Puducherry

This Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the South Asia Foundation-India, a secular, non-profit and non-political organization located at A-33 Vasant Marg, Vasant Vihar, New Delhi, herein after referred to as “SAF”, on the one part, and the Pondicherry University, a central University created by an Act of Parliament, located at Kalapet, Puducherry, herein after referred to as “University”, on the second part (hereinafter referred to as “parties”).

Testimony 24th September 2008

Vidha Saumya

Lahore has been the city of my residence and study for the past 9 months. The city is special to me.