SAF India Introduction and News

In the media New Delhi, India - 16th November 2018

Finance Minister Mr. Arun Jaitley presents Raja Ram Mohan Roy Award to Mr. N. Ram Trustee, SAF -India

Technology has ensured that a 1975-kind of Emergency that put fetters on free speech and media is no longer possible, Union Finance Minister Arun Jaitley said on the occasion of National Press Day. “If Emergency was ever to be reimposed, it would collapse for the simple reason that one of the strengths of the Emergency was press censorship and technology does not permit a press censorship today,” he said....

In the media New Delhi, India - 6th November 2018

Mr. N. Ram, SAF Trustee, SAF-India, Chosen for The Raja Ram Mohan Roy Award

Veteran journalist and The Hindu Publishing Group Chairman N. Ram has been chosen for the prestigious Raja Ram Mohan Roy Award......

News UMSGET, Pondicherry University - 26th March 2018

Fully paid scholarship Admission Notice at UNESCO Madanjeet School of Green Energy Technology for the batch 2018-19

Nominations are requested For fully paid scholarship from the South Asia Foundation Chapters to M.Tech. in Green Energy Technology at Centre for Green Energy Technology, Pondicherry University for the Academic Year 2018-19 on or before 2 May 2018. Eligibility criteria: BE/B.Tech in Mechanical, Electrical, Civil, Electronics, Chemical or Biotechnology or M.Sc in Physics

News Asian College of Journalism (UMCSAJ), Chennai - 6th March 2018

UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Center for South Asian Journalisum(UMCSAJ) announces fully paid scholarship for PG Diploma in Journalisum

UNESCO MADANJEET SINGH CENTER OF SOUTH ASIAN JOURNALISUM (UMCSAJ) announces FULLY paid scholarship for Postgraduate Diploma in Journalisum. Last Date to receive the nomination from South Asia Foundation Chapters is 16th April, 2018....

News SAF-India, Vasant Vihar, India - 9th February 2018

Annual report of SAF Activities 2017

South Asia Foundation has submitted an annual Report of activities to SAARC

News IIC, Delhi, India - 9th November 2017

Prof. Salima Hashmi gives Delhiites and students a glimpse of art and art education in Pakistan

Amidst the ongoing uncertain political relationship between India and Pakistan, a lecture series in Delhi by the renowned Pakistani artist Salima Hashmi provided some much-needed insights into life across the border....

In the media Lahore, Pakistan - 10th July 2017
News India - 2nd June 2017
News UMSGET, Pondicherry University, India - 25th April 2017

Fully paid schloarship Admission Notice at UNESCO Madanjeet School of Green Energy Technology for the batch 2017-18

Nominations are requested For fully paid scholarship from the South Asia Foundation Chapters to M.Tech. in Green Energy Technology at Centre for Green Energy Technology, Pondicherry University for the Academic Year 2017-18 on or before 31 May 2017. Eligibility criteria: BE/B.Tech in Mechanical, Electrical, Civil, Electronics, Chemical or Biotechnology or M.Sc in Physics

News Jamia Milia Islamia University, Delhi, India - 17th April 2017