Call for admission to M.Tech Program in UMSGET under SAF Scholarship Nominations are invited from respective SAF Chapters of SAARC countries for the admission to M.Tech. Green Energy Technology programme UMSGET....
Crossing across to India via the Kakarvitta border check post was one of the most exciting experience ever felt while traveling. From Nepal side once I reached the Bhadrapur airport by a domestic flight, taxis are available at the airport itself but...
Listen to Her A film by Nandita Das Supported by UNESCO, UNFPA, UNICEF, UN Women and the South Asia Foundation (Madanjeet Singh Foundation)
Listen to Her A film by Ms Nandita Das Supported by UNESCO, UNFPA, UNICEF, UN Women and the South Asia Foundation (Madanjeet Singh Foundation)
UNESCO MADANJEET SINGH CENTER OF SOUTH ASIAN JOURNALISUM (UMCSAJ) announces FULLY paid scholarship for Postgraduate Diploma in Journalisum. Last Date to receive the nomination from South Asia Foundation Chapters is 20th April, 2020....
Mme France Marquet, Principal Trustee of Madanjeet Singh Foundation (MSF), visited (18-20 April 2019) Calicut University on the invitation of the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Basheer..
The 1st World Summit on Leaving No One Behind will meet in Geneva, Switzerland, on the theme, ‘Human Rights Based Solutions for Access to Water and Sanitation’.....
The Partition of India was one of the most defining events in the history of the subcontinent. It remains till date the largest mass migration in human history. Yet, despite the extensive loss to life ...